Travel, Virginia

A Plantation Home of George & Martha

Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon -
Mount Vernon Facing The Potomac

This plantation home of the first U.S. President and his wife Martha was built during 1757. Mount Vernon served as the home of George Washington for over four decades. You are able to tour part of the original estate, the gravesites of George and Martha Washington and other family members. In addition, the property includes the Ford Orientation Center and the Donald W. Reynolds Museum and Education Center. Each of these newer additions to the grounds offer the opportunity to learn more about our first President through film, artifacts, galleries, and exploring what life might have been like during this time. Consider having lunch or dinner at The Mount Vernon Inn restaurant, which serves lunch and dinner daily except on Sundays.


The mansion is going through some renovation as you might notice in the above image, but you are still able to enjoy tours of the home and grounds.

View of the Potomac from Mount Vernon
Reconstructed Buildings

Inside the Mansion

The public tour of the mansion can go rather quickly as this is one of the most visited places in Virginia and the world. So, there was not much time to shoot photos. Below are a few that I managed to grab during our walk through this historic site.

The tour we took allow us to explore the basement of the mansion, but honestly this was more of novelty for those who might have seen the movie “National Treasures.”

Basement of Mount Vernon


Exploring the Grounds

The Necessary in the Lower Garden (not just for one)




Slavery at Mount Vernon

mount-vernon-slave memorial

Slavery did exist on Mount Vernon and often during tours I hear individuals ask the docent such questions as “how were the slaves treated” or “did the owner treat them well.” The answer is often varied, but generally the summary is the same as they are enslaved and any form of bondage is cruel. Please click on the image below to watch and learn more about Slavery at Mount Vernon.

Video on Slavery At Mount Vernon

Tomb of George Washington

George Washington died at Mount Vernon on December 14, 1799. As you walk down the hill toward the current tomb, consider taking a slight detour to the original location of the family vault nearer to the river. ‘The Old Vault” is still present here, but no longer contains any graves.

The Original Grave Site Closer to The River
The Old Vault


Tomb of George Washington



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